
At the moment we have a number patrons with some Life Members.

The cost of life membership is £210 per person or £350 for a couple; the cost per person per year is £30 and for a couple the yearly subscription is £50.

The benefits are:

  • A minimum of two newsletters a year
  • Two free tickets per year to an MBBA organised concert (Christmas and one other)
  • Reserved seating (if required) at any MBBA organised concert
  • Free tea or coffee vouchers at any MBBA organised concert
  • Membership cards
  • Voucher for £1 off any one CD.
  • Clearly the Patrons are a much valued asset to the Band. We appreciate greatly their support and are constantly on the lookout for more friends willing to help us by becoming Patrons.

More information can be obtained by contacting Norman Woodhead, Patrons Secretary, 01524 400235, e-mail

Any other information about the band can be obtained by contacting the band secretary via this link contacting us through the web site.

If you wish to make a donation to the band and are a Tax payer you could increase your donation without extra cost to you by completing the Gift Aid form below.

Charity Gift Aid Declaration